Workshop Focus On Open Science

Chapter XVII: Madrid – UC3M

Últimas Publicaciones

What can we do for Open Science?

Before this workshop, I wasn’t very familiar with the term Open Science. After this workshop, I believe this new approach has a lot of advantages for the research field. Open Science seeks to extend the principles of openness not only in the publication of research...

A fruitful workshop.

Attending the Open Science workshop has represented a very important experience to me, as it was the first time I learnt about it with a deep level of detail and from a valuable group of experts. Open Science means that scientific information would be available online...

Open for whom?

This workshop was the first time I ever heard about the concept of Open Science. I didn't expect it to be all about politics, which is fine for me, but the way the topic was framed seemed very limited. Data reuse and recirculation, together with evaluation metrics for...

Keeping a Lid on Open Science

·       Comparing to this familiar concept Open Access, Open Science is more broad. It includes open access (OA) publications, preprinted databases, and the establishment of freely accessible institutional databases for researchers to...

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