2nd CRUP/CRUE Worksop on Open Science

logo-crue-crup-OpenScienceThe Spanish (CRUE) and Portuguese (CRUP) Conferences of University Rectors have celebrated their first join seminar about Open Science in June 2017 at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid [See here all the recorded sessions of the previous event]. This year 2020, the two Councils of Rectors/Chancellors have planned to hold the 2nd seminar in Portugal. But due to COVID-19 situation, the seminar went online. And this time the seminar focuses in the hot topic: «Career Assessment in the transition to Open Science«.

The seminar is organized by the Working Group of Open Science from CRUE and the Expert Group on Open Science of the European University Association. It is a shorter seminar than the previous one and has the focus to foster the debate about researchers and faculty evaluation in order to push the transition to Open Science in the Spanish and Portuguese Universities. The intended attendance is university policymakers and their teams engaged in the definition of evaluation criteria for academic staff, but also several individual researchers and ECR (Early Career Researchers) have been invited to join and enrich the debate.

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