
Session 1

Ethos and Introduction to Open Science

13 March 2024

12:00 to 14:00: Ethos and Introduction to Open Science

  • Introduction about the course. Learning outcomes and evaluation.
  • You & Open Science: a new paradigm for your research (icebreaking).
  • What is Open Science (Open Science, Open Knowledge, Open Research, Open Scholarship).
  • Why Open Science and How to make it happen. Benefits of Open Science for researchers and society.
  • Open Science components and Challenges.
  • Current Researchers 35 times Open: The European Competence Framework for Researchers (CFR. 2022).
  • Evolution and current policies for Open Science (declarations, initiatives and the rules of the game):
    • Main actions, documents and policies in Europe and world-wide (UNESCO Recommendation) to promote and implement Open Science.
    • Open Science in the Spanish Research Landscape (Spanish Legislation on Science and Universities, Doctoral rules and practices RD 99/2011, Spanish Strategy on Open Science (ENCA2023).

 Assignment /practice 1:

a) Discussion: Let’s play True or False: Open Science misconceptions and b) Complete the Survey: What do you want to know about Open Science?

Speaker: Eva Méndez. OpenScienceLab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Skills4EOSC WP Leader.

Session 2

Planning your responsible research in the Open. Resources and tools

20 March 2024

12:00 to 14:00: Planning your responsible research in the Open. Resources and tools

  • How to become an Open Responsible Scientist.
  • Including Open Science Practices in the whole research Cycle.
  • Open Science Tools and collaborative research. (101Tools-Utrecht and DOST (Digital Open Science Tools): Reference management and discovery tools; Tools for analysis; Collaborative writing platforms; other tools to produce content; Annotation and review tools; Tools for your research outreach.
  • Planning YOUR STRATEGY to Open Science: You, Your thesis, Your publications, Your data (sharing), your other research outcomes… your attitude!!
  • EDI: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion principles and standards
  • Initiatives and resources for Early Career Researchers and PhD candidates to practice Open Science:
    • Learning resources: Open Science Passport, Open Science MOOC, etc.
    • Communities: MC association, EURODOC, RDA, etc.
    • Open Science @uc3m: you are part of our journey. Building OS Communities. Slack channel.

Assignment /practice 2: Building up the ECR-PhD UC3M Open Science Community. Register to the Community Slack channel + OS UC3M listserv and start you interaction.

Speakers: Eva Méndez and Pablo Sánchez Núñez. OpenScienceLab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

OS Café 1 (20/03/2024): 15:00 to 16:00:  Open Science: lessons and help from OpenAire. Giulia Malaguarnera. OpenAIRE Outreach and Engagement Officer. Ex-president of EURODOC.

Session 3

Disseminating your research publications: Open Access publications

3 April 2024

12:00 to 14:00: Disseminating your research publications: Open Access publications

  • What is open access publishing?
  • OA history and declarations: +20 years of OA
  • Benefits and challenges of OA publishing.
  • Open Access routes: gold, green, diamond, etc.
  • PlanS & cOAlitionS, transformative agreements and current trends (Rights Retention Strategy (RRS).
  • Versions of your paper: version of the author (preprint/post print), VoR, etc. and how to know the right version to share (Sherpa/Romeo)
  • Preprints and Open Peer Review
  • Repositories: types and use.
  • Social networks for scientists. Repositories vs. Social Scientific Networks (ex. ResearchGate)
  • Predatory publishers/journals: How to identify them
  • How to choose an Open Science Journal? criteria, resources and practical guidance

Assignment / practice 3: a) Plan the OA of all your publications: Chose the right OA route for your publications: Self-archive one of your current publications being aware of the policies in Sherpa/Romeo, or other local websites (e. g. Dulcinea in Spain). b) Students should watch this film/documentary: Remember to talk about this experience in your final post).

Speaker: Gema Bueno de la Fuente. OpenScienceLab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Universidad de Zaragoza.

OS Café 2 (03/04/2024): 15:00 to 16:00 Open Science in the new ERA (European Research Area) and Horizon Europe. Javier López Albacete. Policy Officer. Open Science and Research Infrastructures. DG Research & Innovation.  EU Commission.

Session 4

Disseminating your research data: Open and FAIR data

10 April 2024

12:00 to 14:00: Disseminating your research data: Open and FAIR data

  • What is Open Data, Open Research Data and FAIR data.
  • Types of row data (qualitative and quantitative).
  • FAIR data principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
  • CARE principles (Collective benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility and Ethics).
  • Metadata and PIDs.
  • Data Management Plans (DMP) and outcome management plans.
  • How to create a DMP: Tools and standards.
  • Regulation around data/open data, further than research data: GDPR, EU directive on Open Data (1024/2019)
  • The principle “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”.
  • Licensing FAIR data for Reuse (see. ELSI session)
  • Current Data repositories and EOSC. Search for RD repositories (re3data). Tools (OSF), and other infrastructures.

Assignment / practice 4: Plan the openness and FAIRness of your data: Make a DMP for your thesis. You can use any of the tools provided in this session. You might create your DMP during the whole course, upload it in AG or share it openly available as part of the content of your final post in the course Blog.

Speaker: Sara Martínez Cardama. OpenScienceLab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

OS Café 3 (10/04/2024): 15:00 to 16:00. Create your Data Management Plan and make your data FAIR. Joy Davidson. Associate Director. Digital Curation Centre. FAIRImpact EU funded project.

Session 5

How UC3M will help you to be an Open Scientist: UniOS & Library support

17 April 2024

12:00 to 14:00: How UC3M will help you to be an Open Scientist: UniOS & Library support.

  • Authorship and affiliation
  • Persistent Identifier for researchers: ORCID uses at UC3M
  • Your thesis step by step: a library guide to help you with your thesis
  • How to publish in Open Access your thesis and your publications:
    • The Institutional Repository e-Archivo.
    • Your thesis in Open Access (embargoes and exceptions)
  • Open Science and the dissemination of research outcomes. Regional Research Portal: InvestigaM (Consorcio Madroño):
    • How to create a data management plan for your thesis
    • Regional Repository: e-Ciencia
    • Data Management and Regional Data Repository: e-CienciaDatos: a place for your thesis’s data
  • Blog I+B: Investigación y Biblioteca (R+L: Research and Library)
  • Where we are and how to make it happen:
    • Open Science support (UniOS)
    • Full Open Science Pilot (FOS).

Assignment / practice 5: The students will learn how the uc3m’s infrastructures will help them in different phases of their thesis, and also how to finally publish their thesis (e-Archivo) and their data (e-CienciaDatos).

Speaker: Raúl Aguilera. Head Librarian at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

OS Café 4 (24/04/2024): 15:00 to 16:00: Open Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Marco Masia. Head of Entrepreneurship. University of Vienna.

Session 6

Pre-registration and Reproducibility

24 April 2024

12:00-14:00: Pre-registration and Reproducibility

  • Reusability, Replication, and Reproducibility (RRR)
    • The role of reproducibility in Scientific research. Reproducibility crisis and National Reproducibility Networks.
    • Challenges in reproducibility: publication bias, QRP (Questionable Research, Practices, etc.)
    • Strategies and best practices on improving reproducibility.
    • Create a reproducible data analysis using knitr.
    • Tools for improving reproducibility: RMarkdown, Jupyter notebook, etc.
  • Concept of preregistration and disciplines that practice pre-registration
    • Design a pre-registered study.
    • Pre-registration platforms and templates: Aspredicted, OSF, etc.

Assignment / practice 6: a) Hands-on exercise in data management and analyses for successful reproducible research. b) Hands-on pre-registration or registration of an individual research.


Pablo Sánchez Núñez. OpenScienceLab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Iñaki Ucar Marqués. OpenScienceLab and Director of the Master in Computational Social Science, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 

Session 7

Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) of Open Science

8 May 2024

12:00-14:00: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) of Open Science

  • Legal issues in research outputs:        
    • Intellectual Property Rights, the Data and Digital Legislation and Open Science
    • Intellectual property rights, copyright and its exceptions
    • Open licensing, license compatibility and academic freedom
    • Choosing a license for your Research Objects: publications, software, data.
    • Rights Retention Strategy, Secondary publication rights 
    • An overview of the Data and Digital Legislation from the researcher’s perspective
    • Opportunities and challenges for data access and (re)use in the Data and Digital Legislation.
    • Privacy and Personal Data Protection
    • Privacy and Personal data regulations
    • Principles, roles and responsibilities in Personal Data Processing
    • Interoperability and shareability of personal data and risks
    • Anonymization and Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
    • Balancing Data Protection and OS/FAIR Principles
  • Ethics in Open Science:
    • General Ethical Principles, Frameworks (e.g. RRI: Responsible Research and Innovation) and Codes (e.g. the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity) applicable to Research in the EU
    • Best practices in Open Research

Assignment / practice 7: a) Each student will choose licenses for their current or pretending Research Objects (RO). b) Play Dilemma Game (online/app): The Dilemma Game confronts researchers with difficult dilemmas in the context of a critical dialogue, supporting them in further developing their own ‘moral compass’.


Speaker: Luca Schirru. Centre for IT & IP Law. KU Leuven. Skills4EOSC coordinator of ELSI cross-domain work.

OS Café 5 (08/05/2024): 15:00 to 16:00: Navigating the intersection of IPR and Open Science. Dr. Javier de la Cueva. Lawyer and Researcher. Author of

Session 8

Citizen Science and public engagement

15 May 2024

12:00-14:00: Citizen Science and public engagement

  • What is citizen science. History and evolution of CS.
  • Citizen Science and public engagement: difference and confluence.
  • Citizen science principles (10) and characteristics. 
  • Types of citizen science projects.
  • CS platforms and communities (CitizenScience toolkit, SciStarter, national CS platforms and communities).
  • Create your own project of CS.
  • CS in educational settings: Open Educational Resources and citizen science
  • Other approaches to citizen science: CERI (Community Engagement Responsible Research and Innovation), YUFE approach to CS within YUFERING project.
  • Citizen Science successful use cases at UC3M:
    • LADA-UC3M: citizen science in urban archaeology research. Jesús Bermejo. Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department
    • Mental Health research and citizen science. Anxo Sánchez. Complex Systems Interdisciplinary Group (GISC). Mathematics Department.

Assignment / practice 8: a) Quiz about what is and what is not citizen science. b) Each student should find and analyze a CS project of his/her discipline and/or related with her/his dissertation.

Speaker: Eva Méndez. OpenScienceLab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Skills4EOSC WP Leader.

OS Café 6 (24/04/2024): 15:00 to 16:00: Citizen Science. Endless possibilities for a Healthier and sustainable society. Fermín Serrano. IberCivis foundation. Spanish observatory for Citizen Science.

Session 9

RRA Responsible Research Assessment: Towards a reform of the Research Evaluation

22 May 2024

12:00-14:00: RRA Responsible Research Assessment: Towards a reform of the Research Evaluation

  • Traditional Research Assessment methods and practices: the biggest barrier for Open Science.
  • Principles of Responsible Research Assessment (RRA).
  • Benefits of Implementing RRA in Research Evaluation.
  • Challenges to Reforming Research Assessment.
  • Current movements and initiatives to Reform Research Assessment world-wide: DORA Declaration, Leiden Manifesto, The Metric Tide, CoARA, etc.
  • CoARA: an opportunity to change research evaluation.
  • CoARA Working Groups and National Chapters.
  • Case Studies of Successful Implementation of RRA.
  • Tools and Resources for Implementing RRA: Next Generation Metrics and CAM (Career Assessment Matrix). Open bibliographic data (open metadata).
  • EMCR and Research Assessment.

Assignment / practice 9: a) Create your narrative CV and upload it in AG assignment.  You might include it as part of your final open post in the course Blog.


Eva Méndez. OpenScienceLab, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Skills4EOSC WP Leader. CoARA Steering Board Member

Sebastian Dahle. President of Eurodoc. Co-chair of Early-and-mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) – Assessment and Research Culture

OS Café 7 (22/05/2024): 15:00 to 16:00: Responsible Research Assessment and Open infrastructures for research evaluation. Dr. Cameron Neylon. COKI (Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative). Professor of Research Communications. Curtin University, Perth, WA.

Session 10

Discipline-oriented Open Science, Book an appointment!!

Doctoral candidates will make groups by discipline/area (e. g. Social Sciences, Humanities, Engineering, Law, etc.) and contact the University Unit on Open Science (UniOS) to have a special session focusing on the OS issues in their discipline.

To organize yourselves by groups, you might use the Forum in AG or contact students from the same discipline/same interests through the Slack Community Channel.

Assignment / practice 10: All the students, aiming to complete the course and obtaining the 3ECTS must write, and openly share, a final post about the content of the course and his/her learning and performance during the course. All the posts have to be published in the website before June, 5th.

OS Café 8 (29/05/2024): 15:00 to 16:30: CoARA: Coalition, Community and Opportunity to advance Research Assessment and Open Science.  Dr. Erzsébet Toth Czifra. CoARA Head of Programme and Eva Méndez. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Member of CoARA Steering Board and Member of ANECA`s Committee for evaluation and monitoring.